Thoughts through a body, 2020
typewritten booklet 21cm x 12 cm

Dancing thougths, 2021
HD Video 7’21’’

Due to the lack of social encounters, our output is the project – „Thoughts through a Body“. The aim is to create a continuous poetic exchange. The focus is on inner needs and written thoughts.
Through words, drawings and multimedia we meet and try to listen to each other. A dialogue develops: sometimes silent, sometimes physical, sometimes meditative, towards an individual creative flow. The resulting video Dancings Thoughts is interwoven with the poetry of the book Thoughts through a body.

“The desire is human, it exists
in our thoughts and is echoed
in our bodies. We can hear it,
feel it, see it, or let it fade into everyday life. But it always returns and is joining the memories in the present”

Collaboration with artists Lucilla Patrizi and Jonas Kolecki

© Irene Rainer