Casted Stones, 2023

Installation View of seventeen 3D-printed ceramics­, two metal stuctures 120cm x 120 cm, VHS-Video footage 3‘55‘‘ in a loop with sound, showing an elaboration of a stone, 2x2m B/W Photography, Untitled  (sceleton), 80 single printed sheets 30 x 25cm Canon Printpaper 100gr;

The project imagines what stones have absorbed and how much fragmented information remains on their surfaces. The black-and-white photograph shows an enlarged view of a pebble’s surface, deformed by the water found in a fountain. At the center of the installation are 3D ceramic prints, which interpret this deformation. The VHS video projected onto it features found footage from my family collection, showing stonemasons shaping a stone for a fountain to celebrate the 200th anniversary of the Dolomites. The stonemasons remove the surface layer of the stone, one layer at a time. The projection is accompanied by the repetitive sound of stone and metal colliding. These images explore the fluidity and complexity of the deformation of stone remnants. In the 3D ceramic objects, one can find eyes, starfishes, and fragments of columns, inspired by the cultures the stone has encountered over the course of its life.
© Irene Rainer